Tuberculosis (2-Step PPD)

Getting Started

We highly recommend that you watch the "Quick Start" episode of your program's video training before diving into individual requirements. All clinical and field programs at UConn require students to document annual Tuberculosis (TB) testing. The preferred method is a QuantiFERON or T-Spot Blood Test but a two-step Mantoux PPD Skin Test is also acceptable. Your TB requirement must be kept up-to-date at all times during your program. You will not be able to begin your placement if compliance requirements are not met, and you will be removed from your placement if compliance lapses.

TB Questionnaire

TB Episode

Summary below in case you just need a quick reference of the steps. Also see your program's PDF compliance guide.

What to Do

  1. Request that your healthcare provider order a QuantiFERON or T-Spot blood test or perform a two-step Mantoux PPD skin test.
  2. For a blood test, you'll then go to the provider's designated lab for the blood draw. Then submit the lab report to Complio.
  3. For a two-step PPD, you'll need to have four separate provider visits over 1-3 weeks: On visit # 1, you'll have PPD #1 implanted. Then wait 48-72 hours and return for visit #2 to have PPD #1 read. Submit your documentation to Complio using the Annual PPD #1 requirement. Wait 7-21 days from the implant date of PPD #1 and return to your provider for Visit #3 during which you'll have PPD #2 implanted. Wait 48-72 hours and return for Visit #4 to have PPD #2 read. Submit your documentation to Complio using the Annual PPD #2 requirement.
  4. If any current TB test is positive or you have a history of TB, you'll need to complete, document, and submit additional steps including an annual chest X-ray and TB screening questionnaire.


  • Problem: Your TB documentation was rejected
    • Check the reviewer's rejection comment. Does your document include all the required information?
    • Did you submit your document to the corresponding requirement (e.g., QuantiFERON results to the QuantiFERON requirement, PPD results to the proper PPD requirement)?
  • Problem: You've submitted items that are marked "meets requirements" but you still aren't compliant for TB
    • If you used the PPD option, have you submitted two separate PPD tests? Were your two tests done in the correct 7-21 day window?
    • If the 7-21 day window has passed, you will need to start over with a new PPD #1 and ensure that PPD #2 is completed in the appropriate timeframe
  • Problem: Your TB expiration is coming up and you don't have an appointment and/or your results are taking longer than expected
    • Always plan ahead to schedule your updated TB test well in advance of your expiration date
    • Seek alternate provider arrangements if your regular provider cannot accommodate you

What's Next

  • Complete TB steps and submit them to Complio
  • Review other episodes
    • Working in Complio - all about documents, submitting requirements, understanding reviewer comments, etc.
    • Other requirement-specific episodes from your program's playlist