Staying on Track for Compliance

Staying on Track for Compliance

You made it through your first round of compliance! Great job! However, your compliance journey doesn't end'll need to maintain compliance throughout the remainder of your program in order to remain clear for participation in your placements. Keeping some quick tips in mind will help you stay on track!

Quick Tips in Review

  1. Remember that all compliance is temporary - you're only compliant until your next item is due!
  2. Always make advance provider appointments and don't wait until the last minute--this is especially important for items like your Physical Exam and TB. And use your common sense. When you complete an annual requirement this year, you know precisely when it will expire next year. Be proactive and use whatever system works for you.
  3. Expiration dates are never a mystery. You will receive at least SIX reminder emails before you hit an expiration date, including auto-reminders from Complio and batch reminders from OCPC. You have virtually no excuse for missing a compliance deadline and missing time in your placement. Do not ignore your compliance--it's not going away!
  4. If you're having difficulty getting in to see your regular provider, get creative and use an urgent care or MinuteClinic (or Student Health & Wellness if you're on the Storrs campus).
  5. You will not be able to begin your placement if compliance requirements are not met, and you will be removed from your placement immediately if compliance lapses.