Hepatitis B

Getting Started

We highly recommend that you watch the "Quick Start" episode of your program's video training before diving into individual requirements. All clinical and field programs at UConn require students to document immunity to Hepatitis B through a positive Hepatitis B Surface Antibody titer (blood test that measures immunity). Documentation of prior vaccination or prior infection is not sufficient for compliance. A negative or equivocal primary titer will require boosters and a repeat titer. You must submit all completed steps to ADB/Complio as you go. If you need to receive a Hepatitis B booster series and then wait to have a repeat titer, the system will apply temporary compliance between steps – but only if all preceding steps are submitted and approved. You will not be able to begin your placement if compliance requirements are not met, and you will be removed from your placement if compliance lapses.

Hepatitis B Episode

Summary below in case you just need a quick reference of the steps. Also see your program's PDF compliance guide.

What to Do

  1. Request that your healthcare provider order the required primary Hepatitis B Surface Antibody titer.
  2. Go to your provider's designated lab for your blood draw.
  3. Receive the result of your Hepatitis B Surface Antibody titer.
  4. Submit documentation of your Hepatitis B Surface Antibody titer to Complio -  For what's required on your documents and how to work with documents in Complio, check out the "Working in Complio" episode of our training series
  5. If your primary titer is positive, no further steps are required.
  6. If your primary titer is negative, you must complete a repeat Hepatitis B booster series (3-shot or 2-shot). The timeline for the 3-shot series is as follows: Booster #1, wait one month, Booster #2, wait five months, Booster #3. The timeline for the 2-shot series is as follows: Booster #1, wait one month, Booster #2.
  7. Wait 4-6 weeks after last booster and have repeat titer. Submit result to Complio.
  8. If your repeat titer is positive, no further steps are required.
  9. If your repeat titer is negative, you'll be considered a non-responder and will need to follow the non-responder process to complete the Non-Responder Form and submit it to Complio. OCPC will review your form and approve it as long as all preceding steps have been documented in Complio. Once your form is approved, OCPC will notify your program so that appropriate disclosures can be made to your placement agency.


  • Problem: Your provider says you don't need a repeat Hepatitis B booster series after a negative primary titer or that you don't need a repeat titer after completing your booster series.
    • Short answer – You do!
    • It's your responsibility to ensure that you complete all steps required to achieve compliance
    • May be a matter of sharing the checklist from the health forms packet or provider note from physical exam form
    • Sometimes simply explaining that this is a school requirement
    • If you cannot get your provider to understand what you need, you may need to seek alternate provider arrangements
  • Problem: You think you've submitted everything, but Complio still says you aren't compliant for Hepatitis B
    • Does your titer document include all the required information?
    • Was your primary titer positive? If not, have you submitted all required booster and repeat titer steps?
    • If you submitted a non-responder form, was it fully completed, and have you submitted all previous steps?
    • Were all your documents approved or was something rejected?
    • If you had a rejection, have you addressed the issue and resubmitted your documentation?

What's Next

  • Complete Hepatitis B steps and submit them to Complio
  • Review other episodes
    • Working in Complio - all about documents, submitting requirements, understanding reviewer comments, etc.
    • Other immunization requirements involving titers
    • Other requirement-specific episodes from your program's playlist